dunas residential

A multi-family building project on the southwest border of the Tabernas Municipality, with a considerable slope between opposing streets of almost 9 m, and views to the valley. The floor space, the result of a detailed prior study, has an 8:1 proportion, with two facades of approximately 130 m long. A series of openings and balconies was proposed on the north side, highlighting each access portal by elevating the volume of the stairs casing, and with terraces on the south side. White exposed brick was used for the surface finishing, rigged in several ways and with different levels in the vertical joints .

Technical specifications:

Typology: 64 homes, garages and storage areas  Location: Paraje Las Balsas. Tabernas (Almería)   Date: 2006-2010  Developer: LAZBEN, S.A.   Architects: José Díaz + Octavio Sánchez   Technical architects: Javier Calatrava + Jesús Lara   Builder: Estructuras Almirez, S.L.    Surface area: 8,360.50 m²    Photographs: Tino Gómez Romero

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